Taiwan home Hydroponic vegetables Consumable materials Supply center

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                                                                                TEL:  +886932109511    Mr. Yang    No.149, Heping Rd., Pingzhen City, Taoyuan County 324, Taiwan (R.O.C.)   Every day  08:00~21:00  

1. And very little use of our growing hydroponic vegetable broth is very easy once filled with the joy of success and the success of the investment research funding  

     A. Find a basin to join the culture medium to put a piece of styrofoam plates floating on styrofoam plates to dig a hole kind of vegetable shoots 2 cm on the balcony window on the other harvests to      spend 175 dollars on the line  

     B. Or diluted broth EC put a float value of 0.8 styrofoam plate in styrofoam board to dig a hole to plant 2 cm in the window on the other crop plants have spent 175 dollars on the line in a home aquarium  

     C. Or to the level of well-equipped and has a full set of super plant species of plants have plant equipment costing less than 7,000 dollars

     We provide technical equipment with growing hydroponic vegetables on the very confident will be able to spend less than 7,000 dollars a very standard technology farmers are not required like other people are required to work more than $ 20,000

     We sell retail full equipment in hopes to promote economic and affordable prices when pastime hydroponic vegetable cultivation technology research and development and other studies make the world a more progressive and more progressive in Taiwan

2. Hydroponic vegetable plantation management major in electrical conductivity EC value control is generally between 0.45 and 2.0 to 1.5 times the maximum in winter is 3.0 which means that the water contains many hydroponic nutrients too light is too strong it is not good to use water we provide Geng conductivity meter with EC B1 measurements every 3 days
     Our bottle broth culture fluid management view the kinds of vegetables standard EC has indicated numerical value too low added value by adding water to dilute the concentrated increase

3. pH management is also important, especially broth sell our hydroponic PH pH measurement is used to measure B2 hydroponic vegetable broth is generally maintained between 5.5 and 6.5 adjusted broth PH6.0 water will be one week after PH is high time to add a few drops of phosphoric F1 to cut our sales training experience is fluid transfer two weeks time because we need to drop the broth recipe is there in Japan to Taiwan Agricultural improvement Station to years of experience throughout the culture medium formulations are pH of about 6.0 in the case of other formulations may be acidic or alkaline PH value using dilute sulfuric acid to cut the line, although it is cheaper but he who has a harmful placed in the home unsafe 

    If the pH value is too low PH 5.4 The following is too sour broth on the use of an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide F2 to raise as much as possible so that the PH value PH value is maintained at between 5.5 and 6.5 to 6.0 for the target to manage

4. Hydroponic vegetable planting the most annoying thing is the most uncomfortable thing broth had a lot of green algae prevention method is very simple broth do not see the sun to sun light so long as it is not raw algae broth loaded container with a black garbage bag or sleeve black

    Pipes with black or outside with a layer of black tape did not grow vegetables in styrofoam hole up with a black sticky tape sealing conclusion broth should be light shading see anywhere on the green alga Chlorella consume raw support分

5. Kinds of hydroponic vegetables to prevent insect pests of greenhouse energy required network room pest insect diseases that can be grown indoors in summer hot weather cultured bacteria are prone to rot occurs when the fluid temperature exceeds 40 degrees root rot fungus damage occurred green deal algae rot is very simple to replace the culture medium

    Motor vessel submerged pipeline cleaning planting beds and then again into the culture medium dry good deployment EC value PH value is a re-start  

6. Seed treatment started to go to traditional markets near your home purchase seedlings about 5 cm high line seedlings home of the most successful operation to take home seedling seedlings even after removing the soil along the root seedling soil soaked in water and then gently wash away dirt do not hurt the fibrous root out a single torn foam foam foam soaked seedlings while wrapped in foam heel after implantation of styrofoam in the middle of the bed planting hole should highlight styrofoam foam board bottom 0.5 cm to facilitate water absorption so that we can very successfully grow vegetables

We offer the use of equipment and technology can make you very successful hydroponic vegetable planting either leisure time either on the success of research can easily become a farmer to a lot of today's technology we offer to buy hydroponic expendable materials


Translation from Google

Taiwan home Hydroponic vegetables Consumable materials Supply center  

Delivery address :   No.149, Heping Rd., Pingzhen City, Taoyuan County 324, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 
TEL:  +886932109511    Mr. Yang     Every day  08:00~21:00  

E-mail: fuhuyang@ms47.hinet.net


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No.149, Heping Rd., Pingzhen City, Taoyuan County 324, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
The links on this page title and content all owned by the original rights holders
Last updated: 2012/11/13